Coffee & Crumbs

25 Things About Kirby

You’ve seen museums I’ve explored, coffee shops I’ve relaxed at and books that I’ve read. I thought that it would be nice to introduce you all to myself further! To write something fun, that shows you all a different side of me than you may not see through my usual posts. So here’s my list of hopefully interesting facts about me:

Photo of Kirby Ross with glasses on with a view of Halifax Harbour in the background.
Hi! This is me!
Photo credits: Bridget Graham

1. My real name is Kirby. For some reason I’m always surprised when people ask “Is Kirby your real name?” or “Is Kirby a nickname?”. I even had someone ask to see my driver’s license once because they didn’t believe me. Kirby has been my name since birth. No, I am not named after the video game character (but I do always play as Kirby in Super Smash Bros).

2. Wishbone is my favourite kids show! I hope all you 90’s kids know the cute little Jack Russel that I’m talking about. The show’s intro song “What’s The Story Wishbone?” was super catchy. Wishbone, a small dog who would alternate between problem solving in his own life and acting as main characters in literary classics, made reading cool.

3. Okay, yeah I’m a kid at heart. Some favourite cartoons include Scooby Doo and Spongebob. I recently finished Avatar: The Last Air Bender which is AMAZING. GO WATCH IT NOW. I highly recommend all three seasons!

4. When I’m sad I like to drive to the beach, sit in the sand and watch the waves come in and crash. I find it calming.

Kayaks on the shore by the water as the sun sets.
Photo I took this summer while visiting friends!

5. I’m a sucker for a good Alfredo (and most pastas honestly).

A bowl of pasta with ground turkey and parm on top. There is a side of asparagus.
A pasta dish I made with a side of asparagus.

6. I’m a serial sleeper during movies and tv shows. I know, it’s bad. I love television. My friends tell me that I have a talent for binging shows. Something about having a familiar, constant voice in the background makes me comfortable enough to doze off.

7. I can fall asleep anywhere – The floor? The bus? A plane? The couches in a University Atrium? Yes. I have this super power of being able to fall asleep anywhere I wish.

8. Cats are my favourite animals, but of course I love dogs too. My cat’s name is Wilbur.

This is Wilbur, the orange tabby cat. He is sitting on a table and looks excited.
This is Wilbur the cat. He is an orange tabby. He is laying on a blanket with his feet curled in. Beside him is his favourite, a grey cat plushie.
Wilbur always looks cute.

9. Trousers are the best pants. I haven’t worn jeans in years.

10. I really like board games. I tend to be drawn to games with a character or a scenario that drives your motive to play. Examples include Ticket to Ride, Azul, and Castles of Burgundy.

11. I have a brother. We’re about 5 years apart in age. His name is Morgan. You can probably tell that my parents were really into gender neutral names.

12. My favourite band is July Talk. I’ve seen them twice live. The last time I got to meet them after the show and snap a photo with them!

The two musicians who are part of the band July Talk, with Kirby pictured in the middle.
Meeting my favourite band!

13. I’ve always wanted to learn to play the piano. Currently I am on-again-off-again trying to teach myself to play the ukulele (my first instrument since quitting the flute in 6th grade band).

My ukulele designed with paw prints.
My ukulele!

14. I’ve never visited Europe. I want to organize multiple trips where I can go see a few countries at a time. Maybe Italy and Greece together, then France, Belgium and Switzerland. Afterwards Austria, Romania and Hungary. I’d also love to stop over in Iceland for a few days on the way to Scotland and England.

15. I used to be a competitive swimmer. I competed for about 6 years until I aged out of my team. I still enjoy swimming laps at the pool.

Kirby at a swim meet. She has her team swim suit and cap on. She is also wearing her lucky pink goggles.
Me before I stepped up to the podium for a race at a swim meet.
Kirby in between races at a swim meet. She is pictured here hugging her coach, Melissa.
Me with my coach Melissa at a swim meet.
Swim team photos, circa 2010.

16. I have lived in Nova Scotia my whole life. I never want to live far from the ocean.

17. I had to learn to sing for a tour guide job I had a few years back. Yes, I sang in front of complete strangers. No, I did not have any previous experience singing (apart from in my shower).

18. One of my nicknames is “Kirburrito” because when at home I live in a blanket burrito. I am writing this from a blanket burrito.

A picture of Kirby in a blanket burrito. Also known as Kirburrito.
One of the many times I have lived in a blanket burrito. The blanket has a pita design. You can wrap yourself in it.

19. Crumbs are one of my worst enemies.

20. I love cards. And letters. And postcards. Part of it is the historian in me. The other part is just purely cheesy. I’ve never thrown out a card.

21. Indiana Jones was my role model as a kid.

22. I made myself like tea. It was a long process, but a lot healthier than daily drinking my beloved mochas. Now I have a cup 1-3 times a day.

23. I really like making gifts. When I was a kid, I used to make birthday cards I would give and write “Kirby’s Card Co.” on the back. I have made a few scrapbooks and gifted them for special occasions.

24. I have loved reading from a young age, but my tastes have changed drastically. I started off my teen years with dramas like V.C. Andrews and thrillers such as Sidney Sheldon’s. During my degrees I’ve had to read A LOT, so I ended up taking a break from reading outside of school for awhile. It’s only been in the last year or so that I’ve gotten back into it, but non-fiction and graphic novels have trailed my Goodreads recently.

Three shelves of books from my personal book collection.
A part of my personal book collection!

25. My favourite thing to thrift is art. Something about finding a piece that speaks to me and being able to hang it in my space is fulfilling. It’s like adding happiness to the room. More character. Helping to fill a blank canvas. It makes me feel like I live in a home, not just a house. I love decorating, so these two interests mesh well.

An old steamer trunk that Kirby found thrifting. It is open, showing the beautiful wallpaper inside. Wilbur is checking the trunk out.
One of my more recent thrifting finds, featuring Wilbur.

BONUS: Here is my wonderful partner Seth, who occasionally freelances as my photographer and often guest stars in my blog posts 🙂

A picture of Kirby and Seth on a doorstep. They are matching, both wearing plaid.
Kirby and Seth enjoy matching for photos.
Photo credits: Jillian Edwards -you can find her on Instagram at @jilledwardsphoto

I hope you have gotten to know me a bit better from this post! As always, feel free to send me feedback or suggestions.

Bye for now 🙂


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